
梅原勸學像  辻 晋堂 作


The English Version of the New Interpretation of
Teaching, Practice, Faith, and Enlightenment


By Shinryu Umehara
梅原真隆 著

Translated from the Japanese
By the Subeditor at Kenshingakuen and a Translator of Law,
Rei Umehara (Kenshin)

顕真学苑副幹・法律翻訳者 梅原 麗(顕真) 訳

The copyright on The English Version of the New Interpretation of
Teaching, Practice, Faith, and Enlightenment is held by Kenshingakuen.
All rights reserved.


Kyoto-Kenshingakuen Collected Sermons and Papers

Volume One

Foreword by the Translator.pdf へのリンク

Exhibit.pdf へのリンク


Exordium; Prefatory Remarks before the Main Text.pdf へのリンク

Title.pdf へのリンク

The Admiration for the Holy Dharma, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
讃嘆聖法 (1)

The Admiration for the Holy Dharma, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
讃嘆聖法 (2)

The Exhortation and the Admonition for All Sentient Beings Involved, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
勧誡有縁 (1)

The Exhortation and the Admonition for All Sentient Beings Involved, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
勧誡有縁 (2)

The Praise and Adoration for the Tathagatasya Grace.pdf へのリンク

青年時代の学僧・眞隆 Erudite Priest Shinryu in His Juvenescence

Erudite Priest Shinryu in His Juvenescence

The Life of Shinryu Umehara, published by Hozo-kan ('Hozo' means
Dharmākara), describes Umehara-san-Sencho-ji Temple where Shinryu
Umehara was born. (The term 'san' denotes a mountain and is attached to
an honorific mountain name which is prefixed to a temple's name,
and 'Sencho-ji' signifies the longest eternal temple.)
The description is quoted below:
'The Archives of the Town of Namerikawa record
the history of Sencho-ji Temple as follows:
During the Jokyu War in 1221 (Jokyu 3rd), Imperial Prince Yorihito, a son of
Retired Emperor Gotoba, withdrew from the secular world
and led a secluded life in the Village of Umehara, the County of Tonami
(at present, Umehara in the City of Nanto).
Imperial Prince Yorihito became a priest, built Umehara-san-Jisei-in Temple
of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism, and lived in the temple.
Subsequently, in the Kangi period (1229-1232), he devoutly revered
Saint Shinran; Imperial Prince Yorihito was given a Buddhist name Enshin
and converted to the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism by Saint Shinran.
The Imperial Prince Enshin (Yorihito) is a founder of Umehara-san-Sencho-ji
Temple of the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism. This is the reason why
Sencho-ji Temple is titled Umehara-san (an honorific mountain name)
and lineal, hereditary head priests of Umehara-san-Sencho-ji Temple have
a hereditary title Umehara up to the present time.'
(From Saint Shinran's period to modern times, temples of the True Pure
Land Sect of Buddhism have been hereditarily inherited
from generation to generation in a family.)


The Categorization and Collection of the Quintessential Texts of
Śāstra and Vyākhyā on the True Teaching of the Buddha


True Teaching; Prefatory Remarks Before the Main Text, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
文前袖書 (1)

True Teaching; Prefatory Remarks before the Main Text, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
文前袖書 (2)

True Teaching; Title and Name Selected.pdf へのリンク

Institutes of the True Pure Land Sect, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
一宗綱要 (1)

Institutes of the True Pure Land Sect, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
一宗綱要 (2)

The Elucidation of the True Teaching.pdf へのリンク

Holy Sakya-muni Buddhasya Original and Ultimate Objective of Appearing in This World and Elucidating the Truth, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
出世本懐 (1)

Holy Sakya-muni Buddhasya Original and Ultimate Objective of Appearing in This World and Elucidating the Truth, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
出世本懐 (2)

True Teaching; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Congregation for the Tathagata.pdf へのリンク

True Teaching; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom.pdf へのリンク

Referential Exegesis, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
参考註釈 (1)

Referential Exegesis, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
参考註釈 (2)

Referential Exegesis, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
参考註釈 (3)

Six Phrases of Jubilant, Reverential, and Laudatory Exegesis, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
嘆釈六句 (1)

Six Phrases of Jubilant, Reverential, and Laudatory Exegesis, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
嘆釈六句 (2)

Six Phrases of Jubilant, Reverential, and Laudatory Exegesis, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
嘆釈六句 (3)

True Teaching; Concluding Title.pdf へのリンク

裹頭勧学 釋眞隆 The Supreme Erudite Bishop in the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism

Śākyu Shinryu, Kato-Kangaku
(The Supreme Erudite Bishop in the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism)

裹頭勧学 釈真隆

The Buddhist term 'Kato' in the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism denotes
that, especially in the main denomination Hongan (pūrva-praņidhāna) - ji
(temple), an erudite bishop of the highest rank of Buddhist Studies is
deferentially treated as the right-handed man (a man of supreme wisdom) of
the Reverend Head Priest of Hongan-ji Temple and is venerably honoured
with one sleeve of a white sacerdotal robe of the Reverend Head Priest of
Hongan-ji Temple to put it over his head. In the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism,
the bestowal of Kato is extremely rare. Among successive Kangakus,
Mokurai Shimaji and Shinryu Umehara are the only two persons bestowed with Kato.
('Kangaku' signifies an erudite bishop of the highest rank of Buddhist Studies
and a learned ecclesiastic of a consultative organization for the Reverend Head
Priest of Hongan-ji Temple. Kangaku represents a leading position in
Buddhist Studies and Research, and Shinryu Umehara was a supreme
leader, the head, of Kangakus for five long terms of office.)


The Categorization and Collection of the Quintessential Texts of
Śāstra and Vyākhyā on the True Practice of the Buddha


True Practice; Prefatory Remarks before the Main Text, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
文前袖書 (1)

True Practice; Prefatory Remarks before the Main Text, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
文前袖書 (2)

True Practice; Prefatory Remarks before the Main Text, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
文前袖書 (3)

True Practice; Prefatory Remarks before the Main Text, Part 4.pdf へのリンク
文前袖書 (4)

True Practice; Prefatory Remarks before the Main Text, Part 5.pdf へのリンク
文前袖書 (5)

True Practice; Title and Name Selected.pdf へのリンク

The Practice and Faith as the Vouchsafement of the Grace and Virtue.pdf へのリンク

True Exegesis of the Great Practice, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
大行正釈 (1)

True Exegesis of the Great Practice, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
大行正釈 (2)

True Exegesis of the Great Practice, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
大行正釈 (3)

The Name of the Seventeenth Vow, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
第十七願名 (1)

The Name of the Seventeenth Vow, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
第十七願名 (2)

The Name of the Seventeenth Vow, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
第十七願名 (3)

The Name of the Seventeenth Vow, Part 4.pdf へのリンク
第十七願名 (4)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (1)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (2)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (3)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 4.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (4)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 5.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (5)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 6.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (6)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 7.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (7)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 8.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (8)

Enlightenment Effulgent of the Great Practice, Part 9.pdf へのリンク
明証大行 (9)

A Buddhist Altar Room of Kenshingakuen

A Buddhist Altar Room

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Congregation for the Tathagata, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
如来会助顕 (1)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Congregation for the Tathagata, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
如来会助顕 (2)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Congregation for the Tathagata, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
如来会助顕 (3)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Congregation for the Tathagata, Part 4.pdf へのリンク
如来会助顕 (4)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Congregation for the Tathagata, Part 5.pdf へのリンク
如来会助顕 (5)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Larger Sukhavati-vyuha (The Larger Sutra of Amitabha (Amitayus)), Part 1.pdf へのリンク
大阿弥陀経助顕 (1)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Larger Sukhavati-vyuha (The Larger Sutra of Amitabha (Amitayus)), Part 2.pdf へのリンク
大阿弥陀経助顕 (2)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Larger Sukhavati-vyuha (The Larger Sutra of Amitabha (Amitayus)), Part 3.pdf へのリンク
大阿弥陀経助顕 (3)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (1)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (2)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (3)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 4.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (4)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 5.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (5)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 6.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (6)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 7.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (7)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 8.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (8)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by The Sutra on the Tranquil, Quiescent, and Absolutely Impartial Enlightenment of Wisdom, Part 9.pdf へのリンク
平等覚経助顕 (9)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by Karuna-pundarika-sutra, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
悲華経助顕 (1)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by Karuna-pundarika-sutra, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
悲華経助顕 (2)

True Practice; The Auxiliary Elucidation and Revelation by Karuna-pundarika-sutra, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
悲華経助顕 (3)

The Vanquishment of the Dark and Completement of the Vow, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
破闇満願 (1)

The Vanquishment of the Dark and Completement of the Vow, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
破闇満願 (2)

The Vanquishment of the Dark and Completement of the Vow, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
破闇満願 (3)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (1)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (2)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 3.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (3)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 4.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (4)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 5.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (5)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 6.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (6)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 7.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (7)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 8.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (8)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 9.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (9)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 10.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (10)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 11.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (11)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 12.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (12)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 13.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (13)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 14.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (14)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 15.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (15)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 16.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (16)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 17.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (17)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 18.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (18)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 19.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (19)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 20.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (20)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 21.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (21)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 22.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (22)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 23.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (23)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 24.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (24)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 25.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (25)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 26.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (26)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 27.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (27)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 28.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (28)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 29.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (29)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 30.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (30)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 31.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (31)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 32.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (32)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 33.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (33)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 34.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (34)

Sastra by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, Part 35.pdf へのリンク
龍樹論文 (35)

Sastra by Vasubandhu Bodhisattva, Part 1.pdf へのリンク
天親論文 (1)

Sastra by Vasubandhu Bodhisattva, Part 2.pdf へのリンク
天親論文 (2)